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90.1 NBC FM Sexual Harassment Policy
At 90.1 NBC FM, we are dedicated to ensuring that every employee and volunteer can work in an environment free from sexual harassment. We believe that everyone deserves to be treated with respect, and we expect all members of our community to act as role models for good behavior in the workplace.
It is the responsibility of every individual at 90.1 NBC FM to maintain a safe, respectful environment by preventing and reporting any instances of sexual harassment. We are fully committed to our obligation to eliminate sexual harassment in the workplace.
This policy outlines 90.1 NBC FM’s stance on sexual harassment and details the procedures to follow if any grievances arise.
What Is Sexual Harassment?
Sexual harassment includes any unwelcome sexual advance, request for sexual favors, or other conduct of a sexual nature that makes someone feel offended, humiliated, or intimidated, where such a reaction is reasonable under the circumstances. Examples include, but are not limited to:
Staring or leering
Unnecessary familiarity or unwelcome touching
Suggestive comments or jokes
Sexual insults or taunts
Intrusive questions or statements about personal life
Displaying sexual content
Sending sexually explicit emails or messages
Inappropriate advances on social media
Accessing sexually explicit websites
Requests for sex or repeated unwanted requests for dates
Behavior that may be considered a criminal offense, such as sexual assault or stalking
Mutual attraction, friendship, and respect do not constitute sexual harassment.
Policy Overview
90.1 NBC FM has a zero-tolerance policy for sexual harassment. It is the duty of every manager, supervisor, employee, and volunteer to ensure that sexual harassment does not occur. This policy applies to all work-related contexts, including conferences, social events, and business trips.
A breach of this policy will lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. We strongly encourage anyone who feels they have been subjected to sexual harassment to take immediate action.
Reporting and Resolution
If you experience sexual harassment, you are encouraged to raise the issue with the person involved if you feel comfortable doing so. Clearly identify the behavior, explain that it is unwelcome, and request that it stop. For serious issues, or if you are uncomfortable addressing the person directly, you should report the behavior to a manager, human resources, or the CEO.
Once a report is made, the organization will determine the appropriate course of action. All reports will be treated with the utmost seriousness, confidentiality, and sensitivity. Those involved in the complaint process will be protected from victimization.
Both the complainant and the alleged harasser have the right to support or representation during the investigation. There will be no presumption of guilt, and a full investigation will be conducted before any determination is made.
No employee or volunteer will be treated unfairly for rejecting unwanted advances or for filing a complaint. Disciplinary action will be taken against anyone who retaliates against a complainant or the accused.
Responsibilities of Management
Managers and supervisors have a responsibility to:
Understand and commit to the rights of all employees and volunteers to a workplace free from sexual harassment.
Take all reasonable steps to prevent sexual harassment.
Ensure that all staff are aware of their obligations and provide a harassment-free environment.
Treat all complaints seriously and confidentially.
Take immediate and appropriate action if they become aware of any harassment.
Complaint Process
Sexual harassment can occur at any level within the organization. Employees or volunteers who believe they are being harassed should act promptly by making the harasser aware that their behavior is offensive and must stop. If the behavior continues, or if the individual is uncomfortable addressing the harasser directly, they should contact a supervisor, manager, or human resources.
Informal and Formal Procedures
Informal Intervention: Managers can assist by mediating between the parties involved. The alleged harasser will be informed of the complaint and given an opportunity to respond.
Formal Complaints Procedure: A formal investigation may be initiated if necessary. This could involve an internal or external investigator collecting information and making a determination based on the facts.
Records of the investigation will be kept confidential, and only those directly involved will have access to the details. Possible outcomes may include counseling, disciplinary action, formal apologies, or other remedies.
Dealing with Criminal Conduct
Some forms of sexual harassment, such as sexual assault or stalking, may constitute criminal offenses. Such cases should be reported to the appropriate authorities, such as the police.